DIY: How to Restore and Repair Your House

DIY: How to Restore and Repair Your House

Unique brick laying patterns

Cecil Bryant

If you are wanting to build a brick wall with a unique touch, never fear. Here are some fun and unique brick laying patterns that will add some interest to your next brick laying project without dramatically increasing the budget or time frame for the job. Here are some brick laying patterns that can worth considering:

Flemish pattern 

In the Flemish pattern, one course has all brick laid lengthways, while the alternating course has a lengthways then width brick. This creates an even and interesting pattern and can highlight differences between the colours at the end and length of a brick. It can also be a good way for bricklayers to utilise partial or broken bricks in a pattern that creates half bricks, which can occur with long and narrow brick shapes. This can add more dimension to high walls as well, to make them look less imposing. 

Sussex pattern

A Sussex bond is common in Georgian facades and can be a good way of matching a wall to an older home. It has a row of bricks laid lengthways alternates with a row of bricks laid end ways 3 times and then alternate with lengthways bricks. This is again a good way to make the most of any broken bricks and creates a variegated pattern in a tall wall. It can be a good way to build a garden wall quickly because it can be laid quickly but tends to structurally unstable in walls with many features, such as a lot of windows. 

English pattern

In an English pattern, one row is all laid lengthways, while the next row is laid widthways. This is a favourite of amateur builders as it lends interest with minimal extra work. It does end up being much more expensive when laid professionally, as it uses more bricks than a traditional laying pattern. 

Alternating top row

A simple alternate pattern is to lay a traditional alternating pattern, which is quickly laid and then to use another pattern such as width ways only pattern for the top row. This is cheap and effective for garden walls. 

If you want to create a garden wall with a unique pattern and interesting visual appearance you should speak to a professional bricklayer. A professional bricklayer can look at your budget and help you to create an interesting wall to suit your space, for a price that you can afford. 


2023© DIY: How to Restore and Repair Your House
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DIY: How to Restore and Repair Your House

I had to save for many years to buy my first home. When I did finally put in an offer, it was for a property which was old and needed a lot of repair work. I didn’t have a lot of money to pay contractors to carry out the work, so my partner and I had to teach ourselves how to replace damaged flooring, repair the roof and to install drywall. It took many months, but we now live in a beautifully restored house. I love the feeling of getting in from work, walking through the door and knowing that I own this house. I decided to start a blog to help other people who are restoring their homes.
