DIY: How to Restore and Repair Your House

DIY: How to Restore and Repair Your House

Cladding Renovations: Signs It Is Time To Replace Your Cladding

Cecil Bryant

It is an unfortunate fact of life that the same reasons that make it vital to invest in exterior cladding are the same reasons that will inevitably decrease the performance of your cladding. Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, inclement weather, high winds and a host of changing weather elements will eventually cause your cladding to deteriorate. It is essential to be wary of the signs of impending cladding renovations in order to ensure that it is repaired or replaced before the walls of your structure also become affected by the ambient climatic conditions. Below are some of the signs to be on the lookout for that would be indicative that your cladding is due for replacement.

The cladding has started to decay

Any signs of rot on your cladding should be a red flag. As the decay continues to spread unabated, the cladding will start to crumble. Therefore, it will be unable to perform its core duty of protecting the exterior walls, as moisture will be able to penetrate the cladding. It should also be noted that if you have a structure made from timber, this rot can end up affecting your main residence.

Some homeowners may assume that simply eliminating the decayed areas will be sufficient. The reality is that there could be some undetected damage such as mould growing underneath the cladding. Therefore, it would be in your best interests to simply replace all the cladding altogether.

The cladding has developed structural damage

One of the most common signs of structural damage is the onset of cracks on the surface of the cladding. In the beginning, these cracks may simply seem unsightly and may not be a cause for alarm. However, if the cracks are left unchecked, they will eventually begin to grow and expand. The presence of cracks also makes it easier for water to penetrate the cladding and begin to collect between the exterior walls of your home and cladding itself. This can manifest as parts of the cladding appearing swollen, water stains on the surface of the cladding, peeling of the cladding and more.

You should also bear in mind that some insects will be attracted to deteriorating cladding that is harbouring moisture, as they will have a constant supply of water. This in effect puts your residence at risk of pest infestations in the form of termites and a host of other wood boring insects. It would be prudent to have this cladding replaced before further damage occurs.

Talk with a cladding renovations specialist for more information and help.


2023© DIY: How to Restore and Repair Your House
About Me
DIY: How to Restore and Repair Your House

I had to save for many years to buy my first home. When I did finally put in an offer, it was for a property which was old and needed a lot of repair work. I didn’t have a lot of money to pay contractors to carry out the work, so my partner and I had to teach ourselves how to replace damaged flooring, repair the roof and to install drywall. It took many months, but we now live in a beautifully restored house. I love the feeling of getting in from work, walking through the door and knowing that I own this house. I decided to start a blog to help other people who are restoring their homes.
